Click on the NEW button on theHDD1 area (It's got a dotted box around it in the picture)

The ANEX86 HD Creation window willpop up:

Type in a name for the HDD infilename and then select the size in the pulldown menu on DiskInfo and select Create, when it finishes, select Close.. Clickthe '...' on FDD1 and select the MSDOS system disk. Itshould look like this when you're done:

(Main.hdi is the name of my HD.. you should seewhatever you decided to call it right there)

Pc98 Fdi

Click on Start and let it boot up, it will bringyou to a program.. Hit ESC and this will pop up:

Pc98 Fdi Rates

Hit enter again and you will be dropped to theMS-DOS prompt.. Type in format /h and hit enter:

PART 2: Formatting yourHD

Welcome to NEC's FORMAT program!

Already the Format HD command is highlighted(It's all in japanese so pay attention to how to navigate). Hitenter TWICE:

It is now formatting your HD imageyou just created when it finishes hit any key to return to themain menu:

Highlight the Command shown in the above pictureusing the arrow keys and hit enter.. It's time to setup the DOSPartition!

Pc98 fdisk

PART 3: Setting up theDOS Partition

Move down to where its highlighted and the bottompart will show two choices, use the left and right keys andhighlight the SECOND choice and hit enter.. It's VERY importantyou do this (really!!!). Now move down one again:

Type in a HD Label (I am using Protocat in thisexample) and hit enter.. Then go down to the final option.. A newchoice will appear:

Hit enter and it will have a new progressindicator. Once thats finished hit any key to return to the mainmenu:

Highlight this option and hit enter.

PART 3: Final Settingsto the HD

From this screen above, left and then type in aname if you wish and hit enter.. I chose 'Hentai OS' toreplace the name MS-DOS 6.20. You don't have to if you don't wantto.. I just did to be silly. Anyway highlight the last option:

Hit enter once, it will toggle to this:

Hit escape now and you're in the main menu again,Go down to the last option and hit enter TWICE.. This will exityou from the program.. Now click the close button on the windowand then hit start again on the ANEX Setup.. This is rebootingthe machine so it will detect your new formatted HD.. You arealmost done.. Now quit back to the dos prompt like you learned inthe beginning of Part 2. Type this in sys a: c: and then hitenter:

You're done! You have a complete setup HD for usewith ANEX86.. How to use the HD with games and such is outsidethe focus of this document.